Our Programs

Cowes Primary School offers a choice to students and parents seeking progressive and innovative state schooling in a safe, accepting and welcoming school environment where primary school students can feel empowered to learn.

Programs at Cowes Primary School cover all of the key learning areas of the Arts, English, L.O.T.E., Health and Physical Education, Maths, Science, Humanities, Personal and Social Capabilities and S.T.E.M., and meet the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum. Programs foster a range of skills and talents, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive. We also offer an after school program run by Camp Australia with all the details available at www.campaustralia.com.au

With a long history of success in regional competitions, Cowes Primary School is the current leader in Bike Ed., after achieving gold in the 2018 regional championships. Through Bike Ed., students develop an awareness of road safety rules and bike skills.

The school has a large vegetable patch, run by the year Three and Four cohort. The garden promotes risk taking, such as trying new foods and participating in various gardening activities. Students learn about the production of food from planting seeds through to preparing a shared meal in the student kitchen facilities.